How to Book a Performance

Kentucky Chatautauqua®
How to Book Performances
Booking Form
Pay for a Program
Kentucky Chautauqua in the Schools
Audience Evaluation Form
Program Coordinator's Report
Kentucky Chautauqua Cash Request Form
Application To Become a Kentucky Chautauquan

Please read these instructions carefully!

After reading the following instructions, please submit a booking form for each presentation.

Steps to Schedule a Program:

  1. Contact your selected Kentucky Chautauqua performer at least 4-6 weeks before your program to find out if they will be available to speak to your group. You must contact your presenter before submitting a booking form. If you don't, your program will not take place as planned.
  2. Be sure to check with your presenter to see if they need lodging, a microphone, or any other accommodations. Sponsors are responsible for making and paying for lodging requests.
  3. Complete the booking form at least 4-6 weeks before your anticipated program date.
  4. After you have submitted your booking form, you will receive a digital packet from within a few weeks. Please add this address to your safe senders list to ensure that you receive your digital packet. This packet will include your contract, invoice, evaluation forms, and digital promotional materials. You will also receive a packet in the mail that includes programs and an introduction to read prior to the performance.
  5. Mail or email your signed program contract to Kentucky Humanities and your presenter within two weeks of receiving it. You can reach the Kentucky Chautauqua Coordinator at (859) 257-5932 or and you can mail paper copies to 206 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, KY 40508.
  6. One week prior to your event, please call your presenter to confirm all your event details and answer any questions they may have.
  7. Following the presentation, fill out the evaluation form provided and return the evaluation to the Kentucky Chautauqua Coordinator at Alternatively, you may submit the evaluation form here.


Thanks to our generous underwriters and sponsors, Kentucky Humanities will again offer reduced-cost Chautauqua performances in 2024-2025.

  • A non-profit community sponsor may host reduced-cost Kentucky Chautauqua programs for $200 each.
  • Kentucky Humanities pays the performer’s honorarium directly. Sponsors are responsible for overnight accommodations, if needed. 
  • Kentucky Chautauqua is intended for audiences of 40 or more. Please do not schedule smaller groups. Performances may not be audio or video recorded.
  • For-profit organizations wishing to book Kentucky Chautauqua performances may purchase them at full cost — $450 per program. Admission may be charged to performances purchased at full price. 
  • Kentucky Chautauqua performances are scheduled through the booking process using the form here.
  • Please remember to contact the performer and confirm arrangements for programs before submitting your request to us. If you don’t, your program will not take place as planned.

Tips for Hosting a Successful Program

  • Publicize your program effectively. (Program sponsors will receive a publicity kit.) A few publicity suggestions:
    • Send news releases to newspapers and broadcast stations
    • Send a newsletter announcing the program to members of your group
    • Post flyers in prominent community locations
  • Sponsors must acknowledge support from Kentucky Humanities and regional underwriters in all publicity materials and event programs. Printed credits should read, "This program was funded in part by Kentucky Humanities. The Kentucky Humanities logo will be supplied upon request and is available for download here.
  • Confirm more than once. One week before your program, call the presenter to review arrangements.
  • The presenter may have a long drive, so please put the Kentucky Chautauqua presentation before the business part of your agenda.
  • When you introduce your presenter, be sure to acknowledge the support of Kentucky Humanities.
  • Immediately after your program takes place, fill out the evaluation form.
  • Kentucky Humanities will pay the presenter directly.
  • Following the performance you will receive information from Kentucky Humanities about writing thank you letters to our funders.