Tips for Hosting a Successful Program
- Publicize your program effectively. Feel free to duplicate any materials from our catalog for use in your publicity efforts. (Program sponsors will receive a publicity kit.) A few publicity suggestions:
- Send news releases to newspapers and broadcast stations
- Send a newsletter announcing the program to members of your group
- Post flyers in prominent community locations
- Sponsors must acknowledge support from Kentucky Humanities and regional underwriters in all publicity materials and event programs. Printed credits should read, "This program was funded in part by Kentucky Humanities and [insert regional sponsors here]." (regional sponsors can be found at the bottom of this page.) The Kentucky Humanities logo will be supplied upon request and is available for download here.
- Confirm more than once. One week before your program, call the presenter to review arrangements.
- The presenter may have a long drive, so please put the Kentucky Chautauqua presentation before the business part of your agenda.
- When you introduce your presenter, be sure to acknowledge the support of Kentucky Humanities and the regional underwriter(s) in your area.
- Immediately after your program takes place, fill out the evaluation form and return it to Kentucky Humanities.
- Kentucky Humanities will pay the presenter directly.
- Following the performance you will receive information from Kentucky Humanities about writing thank you letters to our funders.
Steps to Schedule a Program
- Contact your selected Speakers Bureau member at least four weeks before your program to find out if he or she will be available to speak to your group. Please contact your speaker before contacting Kentucky Humanities. If you don't your program will not take place as you planned.
- Complete the booking form and return it to the Kentucky Humanities office, along with the appropriate booking fee, at least two weeks before your scheduled program. Call the Kentucky Humanities office, 859.257.5932, for information.
- Await notification from Kentucky Humanities that your program has been booked. You will receive a contract packet in the mail.
- Sign the contract and invoice and return them to Kentucky Humanities within two weeks of receipt. This is your contract with us.
- Send the confirmation form to your speaker. Kentucky Humanities will pay the presenter directly. Sponsors are responsible for lodging, if needed.
- Following the presentation, fill out the evaluation form provided and return the evaluation to Kentucky Humanities (206 East Maxwell Street, Lexington, KY 40508).
We recommend that you apply for these programs as soon as you can after August 1, to assure your choice of speaker and date. Reduced cost programs are available for booking until the funds run out. The Speakers' Bureau is one of our most popular programs.
Procedures for virtual presentations:
- Program will be booked as usual
- Site coordinator will set up the virtual link and communicate the link with the presenter 24 hours prior to the presentation.
- Link will be active for ½ hour prior to the presentation start time so the presenter has enough time to test the link, camera, and sound.
- Link will include the possibility of the presenter sharing his/her screen in order that they can show pictures or PowerPoint slides.
- Program coordinator will provide the speaker with a phone number to be used in case of technical difficulties.
- Speaker will do their normal presentation (recommended not to exceed 30 minutes) and then take questions from the audience.
- Site coordinator will either read questions that were written in the chat or will allow for live questions on the virtual link.
- At the end of the presentation, speaker will complete the normal cash request form.