Prime Time Application

Prime Time
Prime Time Application
Kentucky Final Reports
Prime Time Schedule

Kentucky Humanities is accepting applications for Prime Time programs to take place in public schools, libraries, or community centers in 2026.

The application deadline to apply for schools to host a Prime Time Family Reading Program during the 2026 calendar year is September 15, 2025. Please scroll down for the application.

For more information, please contact Derek Beaven at (859) 257-5472 or

Click here to download the Prime Time Family Reading brochure.

For Spanish version of the Prime Time Family Reading brochure, click here.

Para la versiónen español delfolleto Prime Time Family Reading, haga clicaquí.



Selected sites (libraries, schools, or community centers) must be able to fulfill the following expectations:

  • designate a staff member to be the site coordinator (site coordinator)
  • send site coordinator to training (January or February 2026)
  • provide adequate space for approximately 50 participants
  • recruit approximately 20 families to participate in the program
  • work with community partners to enroll families considered ‘at risk’ because of low literacy skills, low income, or low educational levels
  • provide a simple meal before each discussion
  • provide door prizes for participants
  • designate a staff member to conduct a story hour program for younger siblings during the discussions
  • create and present simple library commercials each week to inform participants about services offered by the library
  • register all participating families for library cards
  • complete registration forms for participants, evaluations of the program, and simple financial forms
Submit applications by September 15, 2025 to host programs in 2026.

Questions? Please call: - (859) 257-5932